ผลการดำเนินงาน ปี 2023
SDG15 : Life on Land

SDG15-2 : Supporting land ecosystems through education
SDG15-2-1 : Events about sustainable use of land Support or organise events aimed to promote conservation and sustainable utilisation of the land, including forests and wild land
SDG15-2-2 : Sustainably farmed food on campus Have policies to ensure that food on campus is sustainably farmed
SDG15-2-3 : Maintain and extend current ecosystems' biodiversity Work directly to maintain and extend existing ecosystems and their biodiversity, of both plants and animals, especially ecosystems under threat
SDG15-2-4 : .Educational programmes on ecosystems Offer educational programmes on ecosystems (looking at wild flora and fauna) for local or national communities? Collaboration for shared land ecosystems Collaborate with the local community to maintain shared land ecosystems.Paid
SDG15-2-5 : Sustainable management of land for agriculture and tourism (educational outreach) Offer educational programme/outreach for local or national communities on sustainable management of land for agriculture and tourism.Free.Paid

SDG15-3 : Supporting land ecosystems through action
SDG15-3-1 : Sustainable use, conservation and restoration of land (policy) Have a policy to ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems associated with the university, in particular forests, mountains and drylands